ISO Accredited

Proud to be a ISO Accredited MRO

Because we are able to say that we are Qualitas Assured you benefit from our subscription to a magnificent infrastructural approach to service provision. Our solicitors managing cases for their clients can feel safe in the knowledge that like other subscribers we will be monitored and act in the same way. Our business processes have been standardised, our SLAs are the same and our terms of business widely recognised. So when a solicitor instructs Citi Medical they know to expect excellence. Our solicitors can see all of their cases in one view, feel confident in the business architecture and know that its world-class technology that underpins our operation.

Subscribers benefit from:


Our Cloud based software has been developed by individuals who have recognised, award winning expertise in medical reporting and claims procedures. The process has been rigorously mapped and a number of fail safes and triggers put in place to both ensure  customer satisfaction, attendance and legal compliance.Consumer data, particularly healthcare information has to be held securely and properly – thats why we even employ a Caldicott Guardian who provides regular guidance and advice on best practice to our accredited organisations.

Our data centres, which underpin your infrastructure are equally robust and accredited with the ISO 9001 data security mark.

The ISO 9001 business continuity standard gives our users and all of their customers the highest confidence in backup and disaster recovery procedures for all our server and their data.

Service Fall-down

Accredited subscribers benefit from our investment in infrastructure, which provides robust and geographically disbursed disaster recovery sites.

If calls are not answered in the SLA prescribed time limit, paperwork not issued on time or experts experience too many DNAs then appraisals, audits and interventions are actioned. Our logo means quality service and members must know that their peer group has uniformity of standards and service.